Thursday, February 18, 2010

He said you gave him a cavity.

Being one who likes to spoil (read: increase the chances of obesity) the masses with baked goods, I often bring things into my coworkers. My team alone has 20 people, and with an office of around 200 already hyper yet constantly sugar-hungry individuals I can never bring just one batch of anything. Screaming matches have ensued. Between grown adults.

I digress. Last week I brought in the best brownies in the world. They are my mom's secret recipe and it took me 24 years to con it out of her. Worth the wait. So rich that it takes a big (wo)man to handle more than one.

Oh mama. I brought in 60+ brownies and they were gone within 20 minutes.

I have to mention that there was a slight accident during the baking process. As I was lifting the second batch out of the pan there was a rupture. Oops. The casualties:

The 'accident' looks somehow even more delicious than the finished product.

I also made some jumbotastic cookies. Mini-chocolate chips + Skor bites = love.

It takes a lot, a LOT of self-control to not just go at this bowl with a spoon.

Alas, they made it to the end.

Someone asked me why I bother to bake for coworkers. Once I had delivered the goods to my team members I pointed out the smiling faces to said individual and said, "SEE!! They hate their lives when they're at work but if I can do one thing to make them smile and not commit suicide in front of me I WILL." I think he got the point.

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